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Dear Friend of the Hermetic System of Franz Bardon


Welcome to the home page of The Hermetic League. We are the publisher of unique books that are related to the hermetic system of the great hermeticist Franz Bardon. This site is the English language branch of the German publisher HERMETISCHER BUND. Among great and insightful books, we offer the 4th and 5th Tarot Cards, as mentioned in Frabato.


Franz Bardon was a master of the hermetic sciences and wrote his three principal works, "Initiation into Hermetics," "The Practice of Magic Evocation," and The Key to True "Quabbalah" from his significant works, survived aside initially in German in the 1950s. Unfortunately, his mission ended before he could write any more major works. However, some writings and fragments escaped destruction.


Seila ANION has written many books, booklets, and articles on the subject of hermetics in German. I have known Seila Orienta personally and gained great insight into the path of the hermetics at our numerous meetings. Seila Orienta was a patient and selfless teacher who never hesitated to help students in need. Seila Orienta who also called himself 


Johannes von Hohenstätten is a prolific German writer of a handsome collection of books related to the hermetics. Each one of the books is a gem for the seeker of universal truth. The books will reveal valuable insights to the reader and seeker who treads the path of initiation. Johannes was a long-time student of Seila Orienta and decided to make his instructor's writings available to the public.


I made it my task to translate as many books of Seila Orienta and Johannes von Hohenstätten as time permits. All translated books are available at as well as Amazon stores worldwide. Of course, all books are available for download from the Kindle Store.


New books are in the process of being translated and will be posted on this site as they become available.


I hope you will enjoy the available titles. Thank you for visiting.

Peter Windsheimer

Access to the Hermetic League Facebook page has been restricted due to violating their "community standards. The violation I committed was posting an image of the cover of the book "The Führer, Ariosophs and the Third World Catastrophe." Facebook considers the image to be "hate speech and "insensitive" in multiple ways. I contested this violation, and Facebook initially agreed with me until the day after my contesting statement.

Edit: I was able to create a new Facebook page. I am in the process of building it.

Facebook Violation


La Genèse

Adonist Art NEW French.jpg

New Edition of Talismanology

I have recreated the somewhat illegible yantras and added the Sanskrit verses. Although it is not necessary to know the Sanskrit verses to successfully perform a Mantra, several readers asked for the verses in its original language. To be fair to readers who have previously purchased this book, I offer two PDF files for download. The first contains the new Yantras and Sanskrit verses. The other PDF contains Bardon's original drawings. Bardon's drawings that should essentially suffice for use during practice.


Commentary to

Amazon Reviews

My response to book reviews

While book reviews are vital and very much encouraged, I would like to respond to some reviews that some of the titles have received.


Shiva Samhita

 Not a Faithful Representation of the Original

“The translator/publisher doesn't provide the original Sanskrit, either in Devanagari or another Indic script or in transliteration …”

Indeed, I did not provide an original Sanskrit of the Shiva Samhita. I found that it is unnecessary to increase the volume of this book, by adding a Sanskrit version which is readily available on the internet. Most readers do not read Sanskrit; hence, it is unnecessary. Most Bibles do not include original Greek, Aramaic or Latin versions of the Biblical texts. 

 “… and he very assertively pronounces his justification in amending the original text to suit his sectarian views. This is not a reliable source on the Shiva Samhita.”

The reviewer must not have been aware that we publish books that pertain to Franz Bardon’s hermetic system. I will not object to anyone who considers my views to be "sectarian." Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion which I respect. Since I and most readers of the books the publisher offers, also study Bardon’s system, I translated the original German text additions and changes. I deemed it necessary, to point out similarities between Eastern wisdom and Hermeticism.

© 2013 by HermeticLeague

Peter Windsheimer | | New York, USA

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