This brief treatise demonstrates the true perception and knowledge of the material existence in the light of hermetic development. Furthermore, the text reveals the many errors, entanglements, trials and tribulations in the student of the hermetics encounters.

For the first time (hermetically) charged mantrams are revealed here, which promise pervasive successes with the necessary maturity, balance, and purity.

This autobiography displays an honest account of the life of an adept. Seila Orienta speaks candidly and openly about important and interesting milestones in his life.
Franz Bardon's Secret Key to Divine Realization
by Johannes von Hohenstätten
64 pages; two pictures and two graphs;
5.5 x 8.5 in

The 1st lesser Arcanum has not been published until now. This Arcanum enjoys a prominent place between the first and the second Tarot Cards. Up to this time, the 1st Lesser Arcanum has been taught and practiced exclusively in the astral plane.

This little guide should serve the student with supplementary hints and explanations through the course of Initiation into Hermetics.
The revelation of the 4th Tarot Card According to Franz Bardon
by Seila Orienta

This card represents the qualitative form of magic and even the theorist will be astounded by the hermetic philosophy contained therein.
A description of the 5th Tarot Card
by Seila Orienta
44 pages; one picture depicting
the 5th Tarot Card; soft cover; 5.5 x 8.5 in.

This Book depicts the introduction of the Fifth Tarot Card that was labeled "Alchemy" by Franz Bardon.

This novella informs the reader about the tasks of the Blue Monks, Urgaya.

The seventy-two passages pertain to pure Divine ideas which and creation.

The Shiva Samhita is the most important classical treatise on Yoga. This work has its origins in Eastern Tantric practices.
Unveiled Archives of the Secret Sciences
Volume I: The Bible of Adonis
by Wilhem Quintscher
Hermes Trismegistos
140 pages; soft cover

This first volume of the "Revealed Archives of Secret Sciences" is a precious pearl of hermetic literature. Not only because these works are of ancient Egyptian origin and were written by Hermes Trismegistos,
Master Yeshua:
The Life of Jesus Christ
by Johannes Hohenstätten
63 pages; soft cover

This biography of Christ - the greatest adept of all time - delves into written accounts, unmentioned in other studies of Christ. This work utilizes countless information from unknown ancient writings.

This book is the first hermetic compendium of all previously published books, writings, and manuscripts on the subject of the "Magic of Sexus". The reason for the publication of this work was the fact that much of what has been written on this topic consists either of nonsense, perversities, falsifications and deliberately twisted opinions about sexual magic.

A part of this book deals with Adolf Hitler, his rise to power, and the occult implications that surround the Führer myth.
by Johannes Hohenstätten

A part of this book deals with Adolf Hitler, his rise to power, and the occult implications that surround the Führer myth and furthermore discusses the causes that the period of 1933-1945 produced, and the effects they have in the new millennium and beyond.

This little book offers more than its size suggests. We have put together valuable essays that will enrich anyone interested in esotericism, hermetics, yoga, and mysticism. The content offers plenty of practical applications, and the reader will find tips to work on magic equipoise.